Cyber smart Ninja
Stone fields has made a video on how to be a cyber smart ninja watch and learn through there experience on Cyber smart.
Stone fields video
Wednesday, 20 December 2017
Summer Learning Journey
Summer Learning Journey
Kiwi's are celebrating all of the country this year.This time of the term they are Celebrating for the American world cup finals.
Which will concern that this time they are backing up New Zealand.Many people are celebrating because of this event.
They have been celebrating for the win of the world cup finals.
Kiwi's are celebrating all of the country this year.This time of the term they are Celebrating for the American world cup finals.
Which will concern that this time they are backing up New Zealand.Many people are celebrating because of this event.
Summer Learning Journey
Postcard to Summer learning Journey
LI: To define what New Zealand history is
I have made a post card on New Zealand history of which what housewives use to do.
In my postcard I drawed picture's of rangitoto island.
I also wrote the history down and drawed details to make it a little more fascinating.
I have made a post card on New Zealand history of which what housewives use to do.
In my postcard I drawed picture's of rangitoto island.
I also wrote the history down and drawed details to make it a little more fascinating.
Summer Learning Journey
Summer Journey 2
Summer Learning Journey
This term the St.Josephs cathedral is 1 of the most popular buildings in Dunedin.
LI: To prevent what the deal is of the century
There was a great term of destruction through out the century.
Most Constructions have been built in New Zealand each year.
Most terms of construction sites have been built in Dunedin, In fact Christchurch has been rewarded back there town square.In great terms of company services.
In period of time the St.Josephs cathedral has been fixed up since the last earthquake hitting New Zealand.
Summer Learning Journey
Summer learning journey week 1-History about arriving in New Zealand
Summer Learning Journey
Legends of New Zealand
LI: To learn about how the Polynesians came to New Zealand
It is currently believed that Polynesians Navigated across the sea to get to New Zealand.
They traveled 20 mtr to get to shore.
The size of the crew was 5-15.
They carried Banana's,Taro,Kumara,Sweet potatoes,Chickens,Pigs,Fish,Breadfruit,Yams and gourds.The history of the Polynesians saids that the tribe had arrived 700 years ago.Maui was the first man with a fish hook to try and capture a giant stingreigh.
New Zealand also believed that the Maori's shared the island with the people that came from over sea's.
Althrough there tribe's weren't that friendly or the time.
When the British first came to New Zealand Maori's were disibaying that British were coming to New Zealand to stay. French Polynesia is in the pacific ocean it is common to France.
New Zealand-The arrival of Maori's
Legends of New Zealand
LI: To learn about how the Polynesians came to New Zealand
It is currently believed that Polynesians Navigated across the sea to get to New Zealand.
They traveled 20 mtr to get to shore.
The size of the crew was 5-15.
They carried Banana's,Taro,Kumara,Sweet potatoes,Chickens,Pigs,Fish,Breadfruit,Yams and gourds.The history of the Polynesians saids that the tribe had arrived 700 years ago.Maui was the first man with a fish hook to try and capture a giant stingreigh.
Althrough there tribe's weren't that friendly or the time.
When the British first came to New Zealand Maori's were disibaying that British were coming to New Zealand to stay. French Polynesia is in the pacific ocean it is common to France.
New Zealand-The arrival of Maori's
Summer Learning Journey
Friday, 15 December 2017
Video on NZ News
- LI To use a range of comprehension strategies to go deeper into a text
For reading Mr,Ogilvie's reading groups had to get into a group of 3 or 4.
Once we got into a group of 3 or 4 we had to create a slide show on News reports.
I was partner up with Avalon,Fui. We decided who would do which topic.
I chose to do NATIONAL.They chose to do Sports and weather after we were finished filling out information we made a video on screencastify. It was only me and Avalon that had to do the video because Fui wasn't here.
We had to try multiple times until we got it right.
Free rice
Today for my column Other,I have chosen to do free rice for other.
Free Rice is a website that you can do maths equations or Word understanding.
For points it depends on the total amount of rice you get for each question you answer.
I did word Understanding i learn't many easy and non easy words to describe.
Tables Master-Can Do
I have done my Can Do,My Can Do was Tables Master I practiced doing my Timetables,I was timed on 37 seconds.
I bit my high score last time because I had timed myself on 89 seconds.
I bit my high score last time because I had timed myself on 89 seconds.
Transum-Tables Master
LI: To explain ways of Cyber smart commenting.
Today I have commented on Fui's blog post in her order for writing she wrote a poem about Christmas.
Her post sounded fascinating.
Her Learning intention sounded identifying.
Today I have commented on Fui's blog post in her order for writing she wrote a poem about Christmas.
Her post sounded fascinating.
Her Learning intention sounded identifying.
Blog Commenting
Origami slide editing
LI: to write a recount about making origami cranes.
In Writing we had to edit and check if our sentences made sense we had to edit some of our work because some of it didn't make sense or 2 sentences were joined together.
We had to check with Mr,Wong and see if our sentences were in order.
For the past few minutes I have been checking Sandra's DLO and seeing if it made sense.
She checked minds and I checked hers.
Video on Government services
LI:To make generations about the impact of a group in our community
For inquiry LS1 had to write a description of the 3 topics we been doing for the past few weeks.
We also had to take a video once we were finished with our scripts we had to take some time practicing for our final shot.We also had to stay quite if someone was recording.
Thursday, 14 December 2017
Today was our last day of badminton because it was almost the end of the year.
Badminton was fun for the rest of the season we sure enjoyed playing and challenging our coach Kevin.
On the last day of kiwi sport we played games and learned a new skill.This skill was tricky because we had to make the shuttle stay on the racket while we were spinning it around and around.
Our game was Octopus we had 2 taggers and the whole team were the runners.
Mostly the taggers was all boys.
Kiwi sport
Wednesday, 13 December 2017
Dancing mat typing
LI: To engage what kind of typing skills are there
I have learnt how to use dancing mat typing for typing practice I used my tired fingers and my strong fingers to type in different ways.I am now on level 2.I have tried out level 2 but I am still struggling I will practice at home and at school to learn how to use qwertyuiop and repeat it backwardly.
After level 2 I will learn to do level 3 harder because it will give me the time to practice.Also the website gave me examples of how to type through the keys.
I have learnt how to use dancing mat typing for typing practice I used my tired fingers and my strong fingers to type in different ways.I am now on level 2.I have tried out level 2 but I am still struggling I will practice at home and at school to learn how to use qwertyuiop and repeat it backwardly.
After level 2 I will learn to do level 3 harder because it will give me the time to practice.Also the website gave me examples of how to type through the keys.
This is a Website I would use to practice my typing skills on.
Daily 6,
Dancing mat typing
Tuesday, 12 December 2017
I have been on Prototec to practice my Addition,Subtraction,Multiplication and division.
I Figured out some of the Maths results but some were hard to answer.
But each score I got in total was 20/40 I had Timed the score 10min and 10s.
They were 1000 to 20 to 10.
It was a little hard on the 1000 column but the others were fine.
Division was hard for me because I had to divide my numbers into fractions.
Thursday, 7 December 2017
Website/Weekly News
This week for reading, our must do was to create a news article. We had to do this in a group, and with this group, there would be a leader. That leader had the most roles out of all of us. The leader needed to, make sure everyone else's articles weren’t copied and pasted, make sure every article made sense, and put each news article together. They needed to even write the blog post for everyone. Our group leader was Jack, and we all chose to make a news website. Jack was working on entertainment, I was working on Sports, Sila & Lukah were working on national, Avalon was working on international, and Julian was working on business. Our news website was called Weekly News. There were a lot of things on the website Jack made, each article having it’s own page. A lot of changes needed to be made, that included non necessary parts, non understandable sentences, and unattributed images. Thankfully, Jack kindly changed those problems. In the end, the website looked awesome. There was a logo, a description of the website, and a cool layout for easy use.
Website Link: Here
Bean bag throw
LI: To use past tense to show something has happened
I have popped in some pictures on each slide and have put in information that rejects to what we have learnt.
We also had to pop in each writing on each slide that had a picture to explain what we were talking about.
Kiwi Sport
What did you learn?:I learnt how to do the back hand serve.
How did you learn?:I learnt by practicing with my buddy.
Then we had to play a rely game against each partner.
Kiwi sport
Wednesday, 6 December 2017
Three roles
LI:To classify personal relationship
For inquiry we had to choose 3 roles from Emergency services,Trades,Professionals and Government.I chose Welfare,Fire,Politicians.
We also had to find out information on websites,We also found pieces of information around the room in LS1.
We also had to do the questioning part.
Tuesday, 5 December 2017
I have commented on Chavda's Daily 6 blog post.Her blog post topic was current events.
Her blurb was very interesting once I read it.
She did a good work.
This is called CYBERSMART
Her blurb was very interesting once I read it.
She did a good work.
This is called CYBERSMART
Blog Commenting
Free Rice
Today for my column Other,I have chosen to do free rice for other.
Free Rice is a website that you can do maths equations or Word understanding.
For points it depends on the total amount of rice you get for each question you answer.
I did word Understanding i learn't many easy and non easy words to describe.
Free rice
Transum tables master
I have learnt to do my 5 times tables.
In 5 times tables I do it like this
This all goes by Number bonds.
Number bonds are number lines.
Number lines can help you with your maths because it's just like Addition but it's adding groups.
Transum-Tables Master
Keyboarding drills
Keyboarding Drills
asdf gh jkl;’ asdf gh jkl;’ asdf gh jkl;’
fa fs fd ff fg j’ j; jl jk jj jh da ds dd df dg k’ k; kl kk kj kh
sa ss sd sf sg l’ l; ll lk lj lh aa as ad af ag j’ j; jl jk jj jh
ask dad slash glad fall sasha lash salsa shall jag haha lag
flask dahl gaga salads ashfall laksa khaf gall lall shad flags
I have done Keyboarding drills for my Daily 6.I have learnt how to write fast,In my writing lesson's. Our writing teacher Mr Wong taught us how to use our asdfgh,aqwsedrftgyh
Those are the letters have learnt to split my fingers on to the keyboarding keys.
Keyboarding drills
Commenting on other Maths blog post
Hello Charlize,
Your work looks excellent,I have answered some of your questions but some of them were a bit difficult.The 2nd question was ,Max has 8 pies he buys 14 more how many pies altogether.
The answer would be 21 because
8+14= 21
The 3rd question was Jake drank 4 quarters of 12 water bottle how many water bottles were left.
The Answer would be 8 because
Some of the other Questions were a bit harder so i only got 2 right.
Well done Charlize I think you done a good job because you change some of the hard maths too make it even more harder.
Keep up the work.
Last week Mr Ogilvie,Maths groups had to work with a partner to create a DLO.
Our DLO was going to be a quiz for people to answer questions on when we blog it.
But this week we had to comment on peoples maths questions.We had to answer them and figure out a way of how to solve them.
Some of these Questions were Easy and some were not.
My partner was Liane and we had to comment on someones Blog post.
We had chosen to work on Charlize's Maths quiz.
Her Questions were a bit hard but some were quite easy to solve.
Nearly me and my partner thought that some of them were right.
Some of these question were Subtraction,Multiplication,Addition and fractions.
Some of the results were a bit confusing but the quiz was excellent.
We also Had to make a Google document to explain our example of what we did for commenting on another person's blog post.
Friday, 1 December 2017
Royal family
LI:To Comit what is royal in Britain
I have blogged about the royal family,LS2 had to partner up with LS1.
Then we had to Research about the royal family.
We also had to x the spot of which where the great family royals lived.
We had also had to research about how harry and Meagan got ingaged.
Commenting-Cyber smart
Commenting Blog post:
Today for Commenting i have blog posted on Florence blog post.
Her blog post was about word problems for maths.
I was interested of reading her maths questions because it looked a bit difficult.
Blog commenting on hers was amazing because I can see a lot of maths equations.
This is Cyber smart
Cyber Smart is about Commenting great {IDEAS} and Information into that person's mind.
By joel
Tables Master
I have been practicing my Times Tables,I have learnt that times tables is about counting in your number bonds from 1 to 100.
This is also important to show your learning progress and maths skills so that you can get a better idea of how to do it.
This is also important to show your learning progress and maths skills so that you can get a better idea of how to do it.
Transum-Tables Master
Kiwi Sport
In Kiwi sport,Group B practiced and learnt new skills from Kevin.
We also played a rely to prove our skills at Badminton.
Kevin taught us a new Skill,It was called the 4 hand twist.
We also played a rely to prove our skills at Badminton.
Kevin taught us a new Skill,It was called the 4 hand twist.
Kiwi sport
Bean Bag Throw
On Monday Mr Wong,writing groups went out to the junior playground to compete in the bean bag throw,They had to get into groups of 6.Once they got into a group of 6,They threw the bean bags into 5 holla hoops.The 5 holla hoops were there as a score of 1-2 points.
The green holla hoops were 1 point-and the middle holla hoop is 2 points.
Then each person in the group takes and turn.
2 people were in charge of taking photo's.
We also had to explain what we did on a google doc.
We had to explain the actions and what we did.
Word Problem
I have worked with a partner to create a DLO on Maths problems.We had to put in word problems,Me and my partner had to write the 4 main parts-Addition,Subtraction,Multiplication and Fractions.
Each Maths problem had to be difficult for others to answer.First we had to write down the word problems and pop in pictures,Then we had to blog it and wait for someone to answer those questions.
Each Maths problem had to be difficult for others to answer.First we had to write down the word problems and pop in pictures,Then we had to blog it and wait for someone to answer those questions.
Thursday, 30 November 2017
Keyboarding drills
Keyborading drills
asdf gh jkl;’ asdf gh jkl;’ asdf gh jkl;’
fa fs fd ff fg j’ j; jl jk jj jh da ds dd df dg k’ k; kl kk kj kh
sa ss sd sf sg l’ l; ll lk lj lh aa as ad af ag j’ j; jl jk jj jh
ask dad slash glad fall sasha lash salsa shall jag haha lag
flask dahl gaga salads ashfall laksa khaf gall lall shad flags
I have done Keyboarding drills for my Daily 6.I have learnt how to write fast,In my writing lesson's. Our writing teacher Mr Wong taught us how to use our asdfgh,aqwsedrftgyh
Those are the letters have learnt to split my fingers on to the keyboarding keys.
Keyboarding drills
Maths Equations
This is a Maths problem equation it has 4 parts to it Addition,Subtraction,Multiplication,Fractions.
This was more like a book but a draw that has maths equations.
We had to solve these maths equations.
This was more like a book but a draw that has maths equations.
We had to solve these maths equations.
Kiwi Can
In,Kiwi Can Group,B went to play activities with Mrs Latoya.
We also had to organised our groups into groups of 6.
Altogether we played a game that was really interesting.
After that game had finished we played a roll show.
In fact it was my favorite,All the Roll shows were cool and a bit funny.
I enjoyed Kiwi Can.
We also had to organised our groups into groups of 6.
Altogether we played a game that was really interesting.
After that game had finished we played a roll show.
In fact it was my favorite,All the Roll shows were cool and a bit funny.
I enjoyed Kiwi Can.
Government service
I have worked with a partner and a group to find out our topics for inquiry.
My partner was Tremain we did our info on a google slide,This slide was all about Governments and politics.
We had to find out facts about these topics.
This was the council industry.
There were cards around LS1 and we had to write down the facts,We also had to find out if it was true or false.
Government service,
Entertainment on Hollywood stars 27th Nov
Entertainment is an Industry of Movie premieres,Famous TV shows,Famous people.This also includes Music,Directors,Producers,Co directors and More.
Entertainment is also about models and News,These News Reports are there to explain about the category of famous TV People that are live on show.Movies and TV Stars are produced for Comedy,Action,Horror or Drama.
This is also about performers,Actors-Actress,Singers,Artists.
Entertainment also shows that these people are on live on TV channels.
The Entertainment industry is divided in 2 broad categories.
These are famous people who are nearly on famous program options like -Bravo,TV 2,TV 3 and all those kind of program channels.
This is also about people who have been on TV Before,-Like The middle,Real Housewives & other programs that are broadcast on Televisions.
Nearly all of these entertainments have been on social media.
Nearly 265 Famous people each year,Make movies & TV shows.
What is Entertainment like
Directing movies & producing them too make the movie even more better.
Entertainment is also about live shows that are even animated.Entertainment is about producing movies that others have planned for.
This is like directors deciding Who the character should be like, Animals,People,Cartoon characters.
I have chosen a topic on Entertainment,Like Animation.I have explained about what entertainment is and how it work.Entertainment is about when people are on TV like models famous people and Movie characters.Entertainment was also about producing and Directing movies that are going to be on screen.
I did this by making a google doc and writing and find information that compared to what my topic was about.
Friday, 24 November 2017
Kiwi Sport
In Kiwisport,Group B practised doing the forward hand and back hand.
It was fun,I struggled with the backhand grip same as my partner Ellenora.
But we had a little help from our sports teacher Kevin.
I enjoyed playing a relly of badmington.
Kiwi sport
Past tense
LI: to evaluate the structure of a recount written by ourselves.
I have done Past tense for writing me and my partner Raera had to solve the outlines that had empty spaces in it....
Our Reliver teacher Mrs linker gave us questions on Past Present.
Happen and Happend
Slept and sleep
This is an example of what we learn't.
Thursday, 23 November 2017
Wednesday, 22 November 2017
Past Tence
LI: to evaluate the structure of a recount written by ourselves.
I have done Past tense for writing me and my partner Raera had to solve the outlines that had empty spaces in it....
Our Reliver teacher Mrs linker gave us questions on Past Present.
Happen and Happend
Slept and sleep
This is an example of what we learn't.
Free Rice
Today for my column Other,I have chosen to do free rice for other.
Free Rice is a website that you can do maths equations or Word understanding.
For points it depends on the total amount of rice you get for each question you answer.
I did word Understanding i learn't many easy and non easy words to describe.
Tuesday, 21 November 2017
Screencastify on My Reading strategy
I explained about the topic and info facts on this digital learning object.This video would take 6:01 Minutes to watch.
This was also about the strategy behind the topic,This was also about the 4W's and the H.
Keyboarding drills
Keyborading dills
asdf gh jkl;’ asdf gh jkl;’ asdf gh jkl;’
fa fs fd ff fg j’ j; jl jk jj jh da ds dd df dg k’ k; kl kk kj kh
sa ss sd sf sg l’ l; ll lk lj lh aa as ad af ag j’ j; jl jk jj jh
ask dad slash glad fall sasha lash salsa shall jag haha lag
flask dahl gaga salads ashfall laksa khaf gall lall shad flags
I have done Keyboarding drills for my Daily 6.I have learnt how to write fast,In my writing lesson's. Our writing teacher Mr Wong taught us how to use our asdfgh,aqwsedrftgyh
Those are the letters have learnt to split my fingers on to the keyboarding keys.
Keyboarding drills
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