
Wednesday 23 May 2018

Skeletal Framework

Today In Inquiry Angela, Viva, Chavda, Hajera and I worked collaboratively to create a figure using Play dough and tooth pics. The first Figure we created was a flat person without bones we took pictures of our figure standing up and it falling into a blob. 

Our next figure was a person created with bones inside we took the picture of our figure then we took a picture of the bones inside. After taking all the photos we uploaded them to our drive then we went onto a website which  we made our Animated GIFs on. We chose the pictures that we wanted then our GIF was ready. 

Did you know a baby has 300 bones at birth and but by the time they are an adult they only have 206?


  1. A superb example of creative collaboration Joel. Your group worked really well together and were all able to share your understanding of the skeletal system with your interesting facts. Did you enjoy making the gif?

  2. I enjoyed making the gif because it was really fun making the figures with my group and collaborating with each other to create a sculpture and also taking photos was a great Idea so that we can capture photos for the gif to show other people what we did for Inquiry.
